Paul Wallace Fitness

The Group Step Challenge

by | Mar 25, 2023 | Challenges, holiday-workouts

The Group Step Challenge



Oh, it’s a biggie… so much so I’m helping…

Next week we’re doing a GROUP step challenge.

The goal – is for us to hit [insert number] of steps as a collective by the end of the week.


And I’m going to be leaning in and helping out! 👀

I’ll post an accountability post at 8 PM for you to drop your steps in – and then in the AM at some point, I’ll drop a comment with the total so far and tag you all 🙂 → Use @everyone

Who’s ready for this?! (hopefully all of you as that’s what I’ve based my target off 😂)


Good evening team! #Groupstepchallenge

Here we are…

How many steps have you done today to get us all towards our [insert weekly step target]

I’ll post mine in the comments shortly! AND I’ll post the total amount of steps we’re on tomorrow in the comments 🙌