Paul Wallace Fitness

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The Best Fitness Apps 2020

by | Feb 24, 2020 | Exercise, Fitness, Reviews | 1 comment


Fitness apps are very popular these days, but from my experience as a personal trainer, not all of them are worth using! Which are the best fitness apps you can download and use? Here are some that I would recommend to my clients.




This app is one that I would recommend if you are on a tight schedule, as many of us are. Sworkit asks you for the amount of time you have, whether that’s just a few minutes or half an hour, and what kind of workout you’re looking for – cardio, stretches and so on – and it then gives you a workout, timed and with video, that suits. The workouts are tried and tested, and scientifically approved, which is why I am happy recommending Sworkit as an aid to fitness.



Fitbod is an example of how the smartphone can help you plan your workout and is geared towards those who are working out regularly. It guides you through the various areas of a workout and effectively learns where you are, so next time you log in it will recommend a routine that pushes you that bit further. You tell it your experience, goals and aims, and the equipment available to you, and it does the rest, and very well too according to clients of mine who use Fitbod.



As a personal trainer, I’m always asked for advice on nutrition. Eating healthily is as important as training, and my advice is to talk to a nutritionist. Also, you could have a look at 8Fit, an app that combines training recommendation with advice on what to eat, all geared to your personal preferences and your current stats. It will help you plan the week ahead very neatly and comes highly recommended by many users.



NEOU is one of the newer training apps and was introduced to me recently. It features top trainers who record videos of their routines in a special studio for streaming. The variety on offer includes everything from Bootcamp and core, to dance and mobility, and you can choose to follow the trainers you like best or simply pick whatever you want. This is a clever idea that will catch on, so look out for imitators in the near future.



This very clever app is designed for those who don’t want to watch a video, but just want to listen. You can download a vast array of audio workouts, and pick the sort of music you want to listen to when you’re exercising. It’s easy to use and very popular with runners. From yoga through weightlifting, Aaptiv has routines for everyone and is certainly worth a closer look.
These are just a few of the better exercise and fitness apps I have found, and each has its merits. Yu might want to try some of the above or perhaps look around for more, and I recommend you take advice from your friends and colleagues at the gym, as well as your personal trainer.



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About Paul Wallace

Personal trainer of 15 plus years and creator of FT-Fit one of Glasgow’s largest fitness classes





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  1. PaulWallace

    Personal trainer of 15 plus years and creator of FT-Fit one of Glasgow’s largest fitness classes

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