Paul Wallace Fitness

Make Your Mindset Work for Your Training

by | Apr 15, 2021 | Mindset









Make Your Mindset Work for Your Training

There are many elements that come together to enable a successful training and workout routine, yet many people overlook the importance of a positive mindset. If you set your mind to achieve something you are more likely to do so. This is shown clearly in plenty scientific research that involves a placebo. If your mind thinks you have taken a muscle-boosting product, for example, you will be more likely to perform well. Let’s have a look at why positive mindset is important in training, and how you can improve your mindset.

Why What You Think Matters

The phrase mind over matter is not one to overlook when considering the impact the mind can have on the way you do things. Consider this: how many times have you thought about going to the gym to have a workout, and then put it off because you can’t be bothered? What made you change your mind? Was it that you think you’re not getting anywhere, or it was just easier not go?

The problem is that – like many things in life – you have to want to go to the gym and if you find it hard, you need to overcome those niggling doubts in your mind: you can achieve those goals, you can reach that level. It’s all possible, it’s just hard work to get there.

You’re not alone; many people face this obstacle in exercising and other walks of life. What happens is they you convince yourself easily that the heights you want to reach are too far away. You have to alter that way of thinking, which is only natural. How to do that? Read the following for a few tips.

How to Change Your Mindset

Research has shown that the keys to a positive mindset are focus and concentration. When you are into your routine that should be your sole focus. It’s easy to let the mind wander, but once you do so you will start to lose that concentration and that’s where doubts can set in.

Start by setting a goal for this session: that is your aim and gives you something to focus upon. Further research proves that athletes who think about the muscles they are working on tend to get better results. Keep your mind focused on those particular muscles, and don’t stray until you move on.

Visualisation is also important. Before you pick up those weights, for example, run through in your mind how you’re going to do it, and what your aim is. This is a technique the very best athletes use to stay focused, in the shape of visualising how they will run a race or perform a jump before they go ahead.

You will find that once you use your mind to get focused and stick with that specific concentration your confidence grows, and your eagerness to train does also. It’s not easy at first, but when you can find that positive mindset and keep to it, we guarantee you will reach your goals.

Paul Wallace

Paul Wallace

Personal trainer of 15 plus years and creator of FT-Fit one of Glasgow’s largest fitness classes

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