Paul Wallace Fitness

Dumbbell Week 2

by | Mar 4, 2022 | Dumbells, New Stuff - Workouts



MONDAY - Post 6AM every dayResilience Day #1 Your task for today is 3 Minutes Of High Knees.When it gets tough when you want to stop, quit and relax… push yourself to go through. Dig really deep. #resilienceHere’s to creating unstoppable momentum. When you’re done -...

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The AMRAP Frenzy

The AMRAP Frenzy

The AMRAP Frenzy Challenge coming up next week teammmm AMRAP: As many rounds as possible.Next week we’re going to be getting the heart pumping, extra calories burning and feeling goooood.Every morning I’m going to be posting the workout of the day with your AMRAP....

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