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4 Key Kettlebell Moves

by | Dec 19, 2020 | Exercise

4 Key Kettlebell Moves You Need to Try Today!


Are you looking to change up your workout but unsure how to do it? Why not give time to one of the most underused pieces of equipment that are available, right under your nose in any modern gym. The kettlebell may look a little strange and uncomfortable, but trust us you can get a seriously versatile range of exercise targeting a variety of different muscles as well as melt fat and increase your endurance and overall fitness, just with this one piece of equipment.

If you are a complete kettlebell beginner, though, don’t worry, as we have put together a list of some excellent kettlebell exercises.


Kettlebell Clean and Press

This is very similar to the barbell version of the same exercise. With a kettlebell in each hand, hold them beside your thighs with your knees bent slightly and your legs parallel to your shoulders. In one smooth and continuous movement, jump off the ground slightly, while raising your arms fully above your head. Then with a soft landing, bend your knees as if you are going into a squat and then push your arms straight up above your head.

This helps you to improve overhead movements like shoulder presses, works on your grip strength and will really hit home why it is so beneficial to work on your core.


Kettlebell Goblet Squat

For this you need to stand with your legs slightly wider apart than shoulder-width, holding two kettlebells in front of your chest, with your palms facing towards each other. Now bend the knees and lower into the squat position, making sure the kettlebells do not move from their position and that you tense your glutes throughout the movement to avoid rounding your back. Drive yourself back up to the starting position and then repeat.

This is a simple but effective fat-burner, that also helps to build up strength in your lower body and strengthen your glutes to help you if you are a runner and to handle deadlifts more effectively.


Kettlebell Swing

It would be strange to have a post all about kettlebell exercises without highlighting one of the defining movements you can do with them, the kettlebell swing. Stand with your feet apart at wider than shoulder-width and then bend down to grip onto a kettlebell with both your hands.

Then drive upwards through your hips, keeping your back straight, swing the kettlebell up to shoulder height in front of you with your arms extended out.

As it starts with a strong hip thrust from your glutes and hamstring, when you use heavier weights for as long as 90 seconds each set, you can kick-start fat-burning that even the bench press can’t match, increase your heart rate and greatly improve your anaerobic fitness.


Kettlebell Farmer’s Walk

Another simple, but effective exercise is the farmer’s walk using two kettlebells. Simply stand holding two kettlebells and walk short steps across the floor as quickly as you can. Turn around and go back the same way.

This is another move that will help build up grip strength. Moreover, it will also help build tough muscle in the upper back region, while countering lower back pain and can be great for burning fat and conditioning.


Paul WallaceABOUT PAUL WALLACE Personal trainer of 15 plus years and creator of FT-Fit one of Glasgow’s largest fitness classes


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