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4 Free and Easy Ways to Improve Your Mental Wellbeing

by | Jul 3, 2020 | Health | 0 comments

4 Free and Easy Ways to Improve Your Mental Wellbeing

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. This is something we tend to forget, and we pay dearly for it.  But this shouldn’t be the case.

Your mental well-being determines how well you relate with people, how you view life, and even how you make decisions. So, just like you go to the gym, you need to do something for the brain.

There are many easy ways you can work on your mental health without straining your budget.

Here are four practical ways:


1.     Connect and Communicate with people

Human beings are social beings. We feel the need to socialize with people, the need to belong. So, it goes without saying that connecting with people is good for your mental health.

You, therefore, need to interact with people. Build meaningful relationships that will give you a sense of acceptance and belonging. Whether it’s on the internet or face to face, find people you can talk to, and discuss issues that affect you.

Most importantly, ensure that you’re associating with the ‘glass half full’ kind of people. People who understand that asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.


2.     Change your environment

Once in a while, you need to get a change of sceneries. Even if you live a busy lifestyle, find some time to get outdoors and enjoy nature.

This change in environment will help clear your mind, allowing you to see the world with a new lens.

You should also change the sounds around you. When you’re feeling down, find music that fits your emotions. Whether it’s the sounds of the rain trickling down, or the ocean waves as they hit the rocks, find sounds that calm you.

This, however, doesn’t mean that you can’t listen to your favorite playlist. If it calms your nerves, then go for it.


3.     Do what you love

What do you enjoy doing? Is it painting, drawing, solving puzzles, playing chess, video games? Whatever it is, create more time to do these things.

Life will never slow down to let you enjoy your hobbies, so don’t keep waiting for that day.

Prioritize what you love and fix it in your calendar. If it means learning a new skill, then do it. Doing what you love helps boost your self-confidence, and builds a sense of purpose for your life. This is good for your mental health.


4.     Practice self-love and care

Just as connecting with friends is good for your mental health, so is spending time by yourself. Those moments of silence when you’re alone have proven to help reduce your blood pressure and improves new cell growth in the brain.

You need to learn to enjoy these moments too. Come up with good mantras to keep you going, write out your feelings, develop a self-care routine, and organize your thoughts.

Spending time alone is also one of the best ways to unwind after a long day. Just remember that too much of it is destructive for your mental health.


Final thoughts

Maintaining a healthy mental state is the secret to living a happy life. That’s why you need to keep working on it every day. Learn to live in the present, laugh more, and prioritize yourself in everything you do, but care for others as well.

It may take time to complete any of these routines, but pick something that works for you, and start working towards living a happy life!

Paul WallaceABOUT PAUL WALLACE Personal trainer of 15 plus years and creator of FT-Fit one of Glasgow’s largest fitness classes



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