Paul Wallace Fitness

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20-Minute Kettlebell Workout

by | Jun 29, 2020 | Exercise, Fitness | 0 comments

The Complete 20-Minute Kettlebell Full Body Workout

When it comes to fitness equipment, Kettlebells are among the most popular, yet versatile tools. Most fitness coaches and trainers recommend kettlebell workout routines, mainly because it’s fast and very effective.

Within a short 20 minutes of Kettlebell workout, you will be ready to go to work, without sacrificing your fitness.

This workout involves three circuits. It’s the best way to facilitate full-body burn. You’ll need to complete each of these exercises in 30 seconds then repeat the round three times.

You can also take 10 second rests between these movements and up to five minutes between circuits.


Ø  Circuit 1

This circuit consists of three moves; kettlebell dead clean, goblet reverse lunges, and the high plank pull through.

Kettle dead clean 

For this move, keep in mind that the movements are focused on your hips, not your arms.

So, start with your feet apart, then bend your knees and pull your hips back. Then gently pick up the kettlebell with your right hand, and push your hips forward to stand. Take your arm around the kettlebell and let it rest on the outside of your hand.

Now reverse the motion to take it back on the ground.

Goblet reverse lunges

This movement is designed to build your leg and core strength.

To do it, hold the kettlebell at chest height in both hands, then step your left foot back and bend your right knee until it’s perpendicular to the ground. Next, drop down your left knee so that it almost touches the ground, then drive it back to standing position. Now repeat the process alternating the legs.

High plank pull through

Begin at forearm plank position with the kettlebell near your left shoulder, then grab the kettlebell using the right arm and pull it to the outside of your right shoulder. Now repeat the process using the left hand and keep alternating.

Pro tip: Avoid sinking your hips when doing this exercise and maintain a braced core.


Ø  Circuit 2

This exercise involves three movements;

Goblet lateral lunges

Hold the kettlebell under your chin with two hands, and use your left leg to take a step to your left. Bend the left knee 90 degrees, with the right leg upright. Now bring the leg back together, then repeat the move with your right leg.

Kettle Bent-over Rows

Place the kettlebell between your feet and slightly bend your knees, pushing your hips out. Now reach down and grab the kettlebell and pull it towards your stomach. Pause for a moment, then push it down, and repeat the same move with the other arm.

Kettlebell flutter kicks

When lying on the ground, extend your arms above your head and hold the kettlebell on both hands. Now lift your head and shoulders from the ground, then raise and flutter your legs up and down, moving vertically as high and low as possible.


Ø  Circuit 3

This movement consists of three moves. You’ll have to do ten repeats of all these exercises.

Goblet thruster

Hold the kettlebell at chest height and your feet shoulder-width apart, then squat bending your knees 90 degrees. Now reverse the motion and press your heels to stand up, then with the same momentum, raise the kettlebell above your head, and bring it back to your chest as you squat.

Kettlebell swings

Rest the kettlebell between your legs, feet shoulder-width apart, and bend the knees. Now lean your torso forward and clutch the kettlebell and swing it between your legs, then raise it to your shoulders while straightening your legs. Finally, allow the kettlebell to swing down back between your legs as you bend back your knees to the start position.

The third movement is regular push-ups, and you are done!

That’s the entire Kettlebell full-body workout. It’s that fast and easy.

So, instead of giving reasons for not doing it, master these few exercises and start your journey to fitness!

[avatar user=”PaulWallace” /] Personal trainer of 15 plus years and creator of FT-Fit one of Glasgow’s largest fitness classes


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